Nigerian Veteran Afro pop singer, Darling Gee has finally release his highly anticipated project titled “.”“SELFMADE.”
This freshly released album boasts a collection of 14 captivating tracks meticulously composed for the pleasure of Darling Gee’s devoted fans and music enthusiasts.
Darling gee has been dropping hit songs back to back for 3 years and all his songs are dope and he is an artist to reckon with, he has stretched his good music journey far and near.
The album features a star-studded lineup including legendary Nigerian musician, top-notch singer and songwriter, competent Nigerian singer, Darling had grace the stage with legends in the industry.
Darling Gee has officially dropped 3 albums titled “impossible is nothing”, “Aliens” and “The Greatest”.
At various junctures, the newly released album transcends the ordinary, evoking a sense of joy rather than melancholy. It stands as a timeless and captivating classic, undoubtedly deserving a prominent spot on your playlist.