After one year of relaxation, GT Chris  is back and ready to give back to his fans. In an interview with NUBUNKeGIST  in Lagos state Nigeria, 

GT Chris sheds light on what he has in stock for his fans and the entertainment industry at large. see the interview below and share your comments below.

GT Chris

Question £t Answer
: Can we know you?

Ans: Yeah sure, my names are Godtime Ebrimoni, professionally known as GT Chris. I’m a singer, songwriter and of course businessman.

Question: What first got you into music? Ouestion

Ans: My first attempt into music was for the fun actually and it still is. I remember how happy I feel back then when I merge words together as rhymes, you know; it has always been the fun for me.

Question: What instrument can you play?

Ans: I’m good at drums basically.

Question: What is your creative process like?

Ans: When creating music I try to put some elements in place; Melody, texture, rhythm, form and harmony.

Exclusive Interview with GT Chris

Question: What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?

Ans: I’ll say the impact I can make with my music makes me feel passionate.

Question: What are your goals and how do you intend to achieve them?

Ans: My goals are numerous; and my intention is to work consistently and persistently until I achieve them.

Question: Do you have a girlfriend?

Ans: Yeah I do

Question: Who is your celebrity crush? Ans: Hmmm, I don’t think I have any for now

Question: How do you deal with a crowd? Do you run or play along?

Ans: Lol, it depends on the type of crowd. I play along if I feel safe but if not, then I’ll make use of the other option.

Question: What’s your next project and what should be our expectation?

Ans: You should always expect the best from GT Chris , and my next project will blow y’all mind.

Question: Any word for your fans? Ans: Love always

Question: Words of encouragement for upcoming artist out there?

Ans: Passion first, then hard work with consistency while you keep building yourself to be better in what you do; Overdose yourself on those prescription and all that’s left is God’s grace; peace!

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